To be stuck in a perpetual loop is to live a life of recursivity. There is no joy of independence present in mind through such a state; rather, all that is provided, the gradual content, knowing that which the day will bring. We find peace in the controllable, as we literally depend upon the very idea of control. Whether this be from daily individual life or to the extreme of controlling others. Yet, we so heavily depend, solely, on the pattern which is set. To predict the future, to predict what shall come, is perhaps the most immortal gift of all: the gift of knowledge.
Hence our efforts to discover the truth. A natural inclination to uncovering the secrets to prediction; to be able to modify and alter the path that we have been set upon. There are but a few constants in this regard: religion and math. For religion is the answer to all things good. It provides the answers that are unbeknownst to the world. Yet for math, there is a clear pattern and reason for existing, per se. Math defines the patterns of which we understand in our life. Science, the out branch of math, is fundamentally sound on the principle of fulfillment to prediction. We attempt to use math as the tool to predict the future and in part understand the past. The one sure vessel of knowledge.
And so, we use these tools and mediums to quest for knowledge; to understand what is true. Yet, what is a life of knowing? Would we really be living if we were to know all that is to occur? The joy of life is the unknown; the experience of journey. As many have heard before, it is not the destination, but rather the journey to get there. Our memories are not present within because of the pattern they held nor the morals defined by religion. Good fortune and events remain with us through the thought and feelings that occur in the memorial time.
It remains true, as evident by that which is mentioned above, that we must have reference in life. Without reference ignorance is profound; the opposite of that which we hope to have. To be happy is to understand sadness. To be joyful is to understand sorrow. In according sense, you must be poor to truly be rich. The balance of all things is as so. Reference is crucial to the proper conclusion; to prevent the perversion of truth and sense of security.
Life is best lived in reality, funded by the bank of knowledge in which you possess. To be real, in all manner of truth, is to be the best version of yourself. The gravest judge of character is a character that is false, fake, not true. This is a truth the world knows assuredly.
So long as we are real in our actions, in our thoughts, and in our judgment, we cannot be faulted in principle. Truth, as in being truthful and true, is the most essential foundation of principle; required in prerequisite for future building of ethos. Without such, our ethos crumbles. Be yourself under all conditions; forgo any apologies on your behalf, as you have nothing to be sorry for, so long as you remain true to yourself. Let apologies be only in service of compassion.