There is a certain essence about someone that is known but to the world. In by meaning so that the very observation of others is only capable of conferring to the essence described. This in simpler terms would be the aura, vibe, feeling, one suggests in their actions and more substantially their appearing ability to hold themselves in a specific manner. It is then here, and only such, that judgement of peers is found; specifically, I mean the absence of just and fair observation by which we deem those around us as either friend or foe.
The act that is found within is what produces prejudice of all variety; not excluding the likes of race, age, sex, stature, position, wealth, etc. Beyond which the effects of racism are found and of the like. It is then because of these ill characteristics of humans, in our judgement of others, that moral standards, especially of today, conclude the overall nature of these thoughts and acts to be of evil or altogether immoral standing. Yet, what is absent in the findings of these moral adjudicators of society is the history and journey traveled to get to such a conclusion; one which involves most deeply the moral dilemmas put forth in religion, precisely that of the Bible. Yet, the belief of the standard that is created is not at all based on religion is irony itself; in that, the sole point of these narcissist moral superiors in their minds is not rooted in religion, as they fail to realize that the majority of the moral compass that guides them is in fact based upon the religion they so heavily despise.
It is only natural based on nature, history, and instinctual habit that we use judgement as a tool. It is inevitable in all mediums. Simply to say we are not creatures who can survive in both the barbaric state or the moral high ground of society without such a tool. The difference that remains in determining the immorality and morality of this prejudice and judgment lies within the actions and bearing of the individual. It is in the thoughts and speech of oneself where the degree to prejudice and judgment is found; beyond which the demeanor of said person is then attributed to the likes of their speech, as well as, separately in a standalone manner.
What is ironic is the very way in which we are to deem others as racist, immorally prejudice, and otherwise; as we must use the tool of prejudice and judgment to observe the members of our society in order to determine their stature and opinion as being that which we believe to be immoral and wrong.
Therefore, it often stands that those who are most hellbound on discovering and ridding the world of the racists, and whom they believe to be immoral and racist, are in fact the most prejudice and immoral of them all. That is true if we as a society deem any form of judgment and prejudice immoral; even by these morally superior adjudicators’ own standards.
This is by effect the same situation that the old saying tells. You either die, or you live long enough to see yourself become the thing you despise (or the villain); unfortunately for the morally superior, their day of demise has already come.
I shall finish this off by stating: racism is not moral. It is wrong in the collective truth of society and is wrong in terms of religion; so long as the texts of religion are not construed to fit the agenda of man. Prejudice, however, is neither moral nor immoral, it is rather a contextual basis upon independent examples. What stands to reason is the need for prejudice and of course judgement in moderation, specifically in private and of non-aggression. Prejudice must be taken lightly and with grace as it is not a tool to gather information and create conclusion, or to take action upon. It simply is the first base of instinct that gives the described gut feeling that is not rooted in any such apparent logic of the mind. This is the situation in which the actions which are taken based on prejudice matter and are seemingly allowed so long as they are moral and mostly non-aggressive or non-harmful. It is paramount still to understand that by being defensive, or non-aggressive, situations often call for the act of offense or aggression in the service of the former.
It is to be humble and mindful of others in all forms to be moral and just. Judge with caution, yet remain peaceful to instill kindness.